1981 |
Ken Fashion Collectibles |
#3773 |
#3774 |
#3775 |
#3776 |
#3777 |
Ken Fashion Favorites |
#3793 |
#3794 |
#3795 |
#3796 |
#5207 |
#5208 |
#5209 |
Ken Western Fashion |
Ken Designer Originals |
#3580 |
#3797 |
1982 |
Ken Fashion Classic |
#5819 |
#5820 |
#5821 |
#5822 |
#5823 |
#5824 |
#4276 |
#4295 |
#4296 |
Ken Designer Collection |
Wedding party |
#5651 |
#5833 |
#5744 |
1983 |
Ken 'Twice as nice' Fashions |
#4885 |
#4886 |
#4887 |
#4888 |
#4889 |
#4890 |
Ken Designer Collection |
#7084 |
1984 |
Ken 'Twice as nice' Fashions |
#9113 |
#9114 |
#9115 |
#9116 |
#9117 |
Wedding Party Assortment |
Day to night Fashions |
#7966 |
#9086 |
1985 |
Ken 'Twice as nice' Fashions |
#2304 |
#2305 |
#2306 |
#2307 |
#2308 |
#2309 |
Barbie and the Rockers fashions |
Drean Glow fashions |
#1177 |
#2691 |
#9193 |
1986 |
Romantic wedding |
Beverly hills/ Ready to wear/ Pret a porter |
#3104 |
#3307 |
#3311 |
Fashion Classics |
#2892 |
#2893 |
#2894 |
#2895 |
#2896 |
#2897 |
Jewel secrets diamant |
Rockers Concert Tour Fashions |
#1865 |
#3395 |
Pet show fashions |
#3663 |
#3664 |
#3665 |
#3667 |
1987 |
Sweater soft fashions /Moda maglia |
#4495 |
#4496 |
#4502 |
#4503 |
#4504 |
#4505 |
The jeans look fashions / Abiti moda jeans |
California drem |
Private Collection |
#4336 |
#4469 |
#4508 |
1988 |
Weekend collection |
#1327 |
#1328 |
#1332 |
#1349 |
Pret a Porter fashions |
Jeans fashions |
Animal lovin fashions |
#1912 |
#1690 |
#1598 |
1989 |
Paris pretty fashions |
Fantasy fashions |
Dance club fashions |
Wedding of the year |
#7589 |
#8242 |
#3570 |
#3789 |
My first Easy on fashions |
#9299 |
#9314 |
#9334 |
#9335 |
Dream date fashions #719 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |